Tuesday, 26 April 2011

A little about Ballet...

Have u tried Ballet? Have you come across a ballerina dancing so gracefully like a swan that influence you to participate?

Well, I was totally d opposite. I was into Taekwondo...aaaaiiiyah! Kick that ass! Hence, during my school days, I had always wanted to know how it was like to dance like a ballerina & what Ballet is. Actually, I had no clue about Ballet until...of late. Though many still pronouce Ballet as Bal'LET' d actual pronounciation is Balleh, 'T' is silent.

My daughter Caitlyn has been going for Ballet lessons for nearly 12 months & she loves it! Ballet is a very pretty dance, I must say! Seeing my daughter dancing in d studio like a swan, striking her tippy toes, pirouette & plies..just bring tears of joy! Her lessons are held once a week & I will definitely sit through d entire 45 minutes dance. She is 4 & currently in Baby Ballet, where they are guided to have proper foot muscle movements, balancing, hand & toe movements. Once she hits 5, she will be entering Pre-Baby. At 6, it will be tough for her as she needs to go for Ballet examinations. Not as simple as you think huh? As you grow older, d tougher it gets. Plus, all d costumes & hair accessories are costly too! I have also observed other on-going lessons & I am really amazed by their steps at such a young age! Bravo!
Ballet really enchances your charisma, poise, gives you good posture, confidence & gracefulness. How divine...how endearing...how fascinating...*

Apparently, Ballet was first performed in Italy ... not only as a dance, they sang with it! Thus, that is their way of expressing..How alluring*
Those days, Ballet was known as a romantic dance. Now, Ballet has ventured into techno music but still a beautiful dance!

Ballet is an open dance, boys are encouraged to participate. Boys are called 'Ballet Dancers' & d girls are called 'Ballerinas'. From my knowledge, d boys must be in good shape to be able to lift d ballerinas up in d air! They wear leotards.  D girls are of course dressed in TuTu's! How cute!

Have you watched Agelina Ballerina? D 'mouse' dancers are just too cute! It is a good way of reaching out to d younger generations to appreciate d art of Ballet.

*images via google*

Lastly, Ballet is a graceful dance! Can't wait till year end to watch my LiL Ballerina on stage!

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