Saturday, 30 April 2011

Baking with ya lil Ones...

Junior Chef using cute cutters

Sprinkles over cookies! Ready for oven.

She made this! Cookies for Kindy party.

With Junior Chefs Help..

One day, Caitlyn came up to me and said - Mommy, I want to bake Cookies & Cupcakes - I went..Hmmmm?? Oh, slap head...must be highly influenced by Hi 5 educational fun programme. So I figured, hey, actually it is not a bad idea after all! Since she has developed an interest for baking, why not? We were told to train our kids from young & let them explore d 'montessori' way. Should expose our children to baking & cooking from young..this way, part of their growing process, somehow it tends to broaden their outlook, judging things at a certain level & we could also retire early! LOL! Just Kidding on d last part*
Squeezing d  Honey

Honey Butter Startlet Bread! Well done Chef!

With Junior Chefs Help...

Again...With Junior Chefs Help...

Cute lil CupCakes for her Kindy Party!
Elaine's Bread. I should get her to MIX d ingredients soon! With d Bread maker, It is sooooo EASY!
Junior Chef stiring d choc chips cake

Adding extra choc chips...yumm!

Voila! Chocolate Chip Cake!

Junior Chef cracking d eggs...

I can do this MOM! Duhh Daaa!!

Finally, Chefs Vanilla Icing Butter Cake with Starlets...All by herself............

Caitlyn has tried baking assorted Cupcakes, Cookies & Cakes. Hence, I have also allowed her to prepare Tuna, Ham & Cheese sandwiches for (Hubs & me) & made Honey Starlet bread which is known as Fairy Bread. Well, of course with my supervision & instead of handling d actual cutlery, I will hand her d plastic be on d safe side* Occasionally, I would also allow her to pour cordials from d bottle.
Thinking back, all these are 'Priceless' & their 'Smiles' are just unforgettable! Perhaps d next step, I shall guide her how to bake a bread soon? =D

I am so eager to start this with Cruz...but he is 'still' way too young to handle it. I think my entire kitchen will need a face-lift after! LOL!


  1. awww...this is so much fun. i bet Cruz wants to join in too? maybe buy him a set of baking or cooking cutlery toy first :)

  2. hehe...he is d destroyer! Usually he is asleep during our baking sessions...;D Will hv to wait til he is much older.

  3. Good job, mommy, in raising a well-rounded daughter! :-)
