I am a Coffee lover, I love Coffee, I can't continue my day without my Coffee, I love d Coffee aroma in my house, I can't live without you.........COFFEE!! I am addicted to you Kopi Bee!
LOL! Yeah, that's d brand I lurve & indulge in daily......aaaaaaahhhhhhh........Not Nescafe, it aint my cup of love....*WinK*
Thinking back, when I was expecting my 1st child, Arrgghh! I had to fight off Coffee! I felt so so sleepy, lethargic throughout d day! It was a complete 'nightmare' to live without a single drop of 'Coffee'. D minute I gave birth to Caitlyn, I felt so relieved! Finally, I was back to my 'Coffee' but I was told to watch my caffeine as I was breastfeeding......Oh sharks! But When I was expecting my youngest, I didn't stop consuming 'Coffee'! Hallelujah! Thank God for a healthy baby! I didn't choose to listen to old wives tales anymore.. *WinK*
Anyway, lets continue with d Kopi Bee. It can only be sourced in Kedah & Penang. It is a popular brand but somehow or rather, it is not sold in KL. Hmmmmmm...I am still scratching my head on that! Perhaps, I should start a consignment with Kopi Bee? Each time my parents travel up North, they buy in bulk!
Kopi Bee Comes in 2 types - 2in1 & d other is without sugar. Just plain Kopi O. My preference is 2in1 with sugar Kopi O. Although I am a Coffeeholic, I still prefer my Coffee with sugar. It is RM5.30 per pack for 20 sachets. It is a pre-mix.
Ahhhhh.........Heaven! I have tried numerous coffee brands in KL, oh..sorry, step aside Honey! You aint my taste bud* Oh, aside from Starbucks......C'mon frappes!
Here's d glimpse .. Just for you, Coffee Lovers! Cheers!