Thursday, 31 March 2011

Are U protected?

 Ladies, Have U or have not heard of Gardasil? It is an Anti Cervical Cancer vaccine. Are U protected? Cervical cancer which is caused by HPV, is one of d most common causes among us women.
How did I come across Gardasil? Via Radio. I was picking my girl up from kindy, a Gynae was giving a talk about Gardasil & I figured, why not? I have nothing to lose. Immediately, I rang a good friend of mine & wanting her opinion about it...before I could carry on our conversation, She said - I've completed d vaccination. I am protected for life! I went "WoW!" Next thing U know, I made an appointment to see my Gynae & he then explained d whole chapter 1 - chapter 10.

Ok, I am In...I took d most expensive 3 Jabs. There are 2 different types of Anti Cervical Cancer Jabs. 1 that comes with only 2 Jabs has lower immunity & d other (expensive) comes in 3 Jabs has more immunity. *3 Jabs within 6 months*
My very 1st dose was a painful one. OOOOuuch!! My arm ache for nearly 3 full weeks! But I continued doing my laundry, folding clothes & cooking. It has left a muscle ache feeling.
2nd dose, 2 months after my 1st Jab. No pain! I felt alright!
3rd dose, d final 6th month, OOOUCHHHHHH! My arm aches! I have to go through weeks again bearing d pain??Waaaa! waaaa!! Horrid!!

I started taking d Jab last year at RM1000.00. The prices will apparently drop. My good friend took d jabs 2 years ago at RM2000.00! I didn't want to wait any longer, nor risk my life on d casino board. Would U?

Did U know, Now, Gardasil has been approved by our goverment to vaccinate all school girls under 12 years old? They are given d lower dose in primary schools. Thumbs up!! Hooray!

By the way, If U are not vaccinated yet, Please ring your nearest Gynae for an appointment. Gardasil Jabs are not recommended for women above 40 years of age. Take it while U are still young.
*No Gain, No Loss*
Hmmmmm...Do I sound like a Gardasil Ambassador? LOL!
 *Pic's taken via online searched*

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